Eîlot Tuerie

for Mario García Torres

At the end of Wanda, Barbara Loden eats a hotdog.

At the end of The Doom Generation, Jonathan Schaech asks Rose McGowan if she wants a Dorito.

At the end of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Sean Penn saves Brooke Shields from drowning and blows the reward money hiring Van Halen to play his birthday party.

At the end of The Natural, Robert Redford hits a home run.

At the end of The Wizard of Oz, Judy Garland wakes up.

At the end of Desperately Seeking Susan, Rosanna Arquette hits Will Patton over the head with a bottle, and saves Madonna.

At the end of Planet of the Apes, Charlton Heston falls to his knees and condemns humanity for destroying the world.

At the end of Wall Street, Charlie Sheen goes to jail.

At the end of My Own Private Idaho, River Phoenix falls asleep.

At the end of Pink Flamingos, Divine eats dog shit.

At the end of Risky Business, Tom Cruise gets into Princeton.

At the end of Animal House, John Belushi becomes a U.S. Senator.

At the end of Diary of a Chambermaid, a crowd of nationalists march past Georges Géret’s café shouting rightist slogans.

At the end of Napoleon Dynamite, Jon Heder and Tina Majorino play tetherball.

At the end of Empire, the lights go off.

At the end of The Breakfast Club, Judd Nelson raises his fist.

EÎLOT TUERIE lives in San Francisco, California. His collection of poems, Des Moines Phone Book, will be released this summer.